
A career plan to be who you want to be


People often need horizons. Personally and professionally. Avoiding that "what now?” feeling can be a good tool to get perspective. Daily and extraordinarily.

And where is this horizon located? There are as many answers as people form Soluble. For us, this is crystal clear. That’s why we always talk about Poder ser—that is, the possibility to be who you want to be. To reformulate work into an infinite canvas that contributes to a fulfilling life.

Many team management textbooks state that a career plan is essential. We are not that categorical, but after 8 years in business we knew we needed it. Because we work with 20 professionals that showcase Sustainable Ambition. In other words: it was the right time.

Of course, we didn’t want just a plan. On big occasions, the best thing is a tailor-made dress. And executed by a highly professional tailor: Fresh People 🍍 who are more-than-partners for us. A six-month work—from September 2022 to March 2023—and a total of 17 sessions that included workshops and training sessions for the team and the leaders. An intense journey and a result that we fell in love with.

This is Soluble’s career plan

Useful, clear, and empowering. That's what we wanted this plan to be, so we translated it in a series of moments where a person can be: from being focused on learning, to inspiring and guiding others while keeping an eye on the future. It is not required to move forward, the important thing is that each person knows where they want to be.

Each person defines his or her own career plan based on feedback from the leaders

Team leaders —Activation, Design, Technology and Operations— are in charge of defining where a person is at this stage. This is possible thanks to workshops in which the whole team defined the behaviors to be observed as professionals with an area of expertise and according to our values: Good Happy People, Digital Excellence and Sustainable Ambition. For example, when it comes to Digital Excellence, a good indicator is to shine at the moment of presenting a proposal.

A 1:1 session, in which there is bidirectional feedback, is the prelude for each person to develop their own action plan, defining objectives and strategies to achieve the desired growth. To be who you want to be... according to your capabilities and ambitions. With the accompaniment that the Good Happy People deserve.

Aroa Gúdel, People Partner at Fresh, recognizes that she found "a team that from day one demonstrated the desire to innovate and challenge its people management model, with a focus on generating a more agile organization and sustainable talent development". All this "without losing sight of the alignment with business needs, its growth and future challenges". And we can't wait to say it: we are proud that our more than partners work with "a motivated team, open to listen, eager to excel," according to Aroa.

The basic ingredients

Feedback and psychological security are fundamental in this career plan. In other words, people must feel that they can communicate with confidence whenever they need to. Thanks to Fresh People training, the whole team is equipped with the necessary tools to build stronger, healthier and more productive relationships through communication.

In a nutshell: we worked on our career plan from an individual, but also collective vision, to generate a safe space where important conversations, even if they are difficult, become an opportunity for growth. Sowing a combination of technical skills and confidence—in oneself and in the team—offers juicy, ripe fruits from the very beginning.

A philosophy, a map

We say it often: we live in a 'work-centric' system and there is an opportunity to redefine work into a space to pursue happiness. Both during the workday and outside of it. Research has shown that this freedom of movement also reduces burnout, because monotony and lack of autonomy increase work stress.

"My career plan is a map that helps me understand where I am, to choose where I want to be and to see the intermediate steps," says Andrea Martínez, content creator at Soluble.

We create a safe space where important conversations, even if they are difficult, become an opportunity for growth

Following this philosophy, in Soluble's career plan everyone has freedom of movement and can choose to stay in one of the defined moments. Because a product designer may seek excellence in a very specific area, such as design systems, and refuse to manage people or UI projects.

"The most interesting thing is knowing that I work for a company that is concerned about making its team grow and that is looking for the means to achieve it", Andrea recognizes.

Measuring results? Sure!

The fact that the team can define their own path to grow has another advantage: the way to do it is up to them. Improving their communication skills, their ability to lead meetings and projects... Again, hand in hand with the lead, common sense indicators are established and reviewed every three months.

Radiating value

Let’s take a step back to gain perspective: it is easy to understand that the career plan is a powerful tool internally, but also externally. Because a happier team is able to astonish with its achievements. And for a person who grows in his or her own way, it is easier to achieve a holistic vision in which brand, product and technology work in harmony and feed off each other.

These months of intense work have confirmed our suspicions: a clear and stimulating professional horizon is the best tool to achieve Digital Excellence. Everybody wins.

At Soluble nothing happens through a single person
Andrea Martínez

Andrea Martínez

Marta Factor

Marta Factor

Cristian R. Marín

Cristian R. Marín

Daniel Senior

Daniel Senior

Visual design

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