

New brand and website for an online training platform for coders

Top quality, good vibes and a unique personality, that’s Codely. Together, with agility as a priority of the process, we’ve evolved the brand to drive their competitive advantage in this new stage, without losing their essence. How? With a new visual universe and a more functional website.

How it all started

What do Codely, Hawaii and a dog with a cape have in common? Find the answer in this Case Study.

Codely is an online training platform for software developers. But it’s not the typical training center. Learning and coding is a fun process, fully integrated in the workflow and totally up-to-date, in both form and content.


We started working with Codely having a clear challenge: evolving their brand so that they could drive their competitive advantage, without losing their essence. In order to nimbly identify their value proposal, align the speech, and guide the redesign process, we needed to understand their ecosystem by getting to know Rafa, Javi and their team.

We were then able to build a platform gathering their essence (learning at the highest level does not conflict with having fun), their evolution (becoming more than a product, building a relationship with their community), and their way of being and doing, aside from the sophisticated coding world. In the end, we concluded that Codely is coding without hassles.

Strategic work allowed us to create the portrait of the brand in this new stage. Its new visual identity goes far beyond the logo, it’s a whole universe.

The new logo is born from Codely’s environment, from its medium. The diamond that indicates the beginning and end of the HTML tags, and that leads us to discover games such as the similarity with the consonants C and D of Codely, or the resemblance with a play button and the rewind forward of videos. It also opens a door to the digital sphere in which the brand lives, allowing "a world of avatars".

Another key element of their new visual universe is its color. With this green color, very similar to that of the chroma keys, we place the brand in the technological trend and offer infinite possibilities. To combine this color full of senses and emotion, we have a nuanced and unique black and white.

We had then successfully reflected how seriously they take programming and development, but... where was the fantasy? Would this adult version of Codely have to stop wearing Hawaiian shirts on Fridays? Absolutely not. Starting from that casual team uniform, with their Hawaiian shirts in mind, we created a first pattern that could coexist with the rest of the brand's elements and cover with palm trees and flowers the space that the green chroma provided us.

Just one? Patterns opened the doors to fantasy. Pineapples? Flamingos? Dogs with capes? Everything is possible.

The evolution and the new visual universe of Codely also transformed the place where it all began, its website. We started by sorting out everything that needed to be communicated, both in terms of the product and the brand. Hand in hand with Codely team, we identified their strengths in order to prioritize and communicate them.

And from there, we made the first architecture and navigation decisions, to offer a clear and simple approach to the user. In the new home page, we know at first glance what Codely is and their value proposition, and we have two differentiated landings for its two types of audiences, coders and companies. As for the fantasy taken to the web... you'd better judge for yourself. Are you ready for a bit of magic?