NTT Data
An identity for the new dawn of Insurtech
In 2022, the technology consulting firm NTT Data wanted to reformulate the experience of one of its most relevant reports within the insurance and technology sector: the Insurtech Global Outlook, which would be in its seventh edition.
After a deep strategic work in which we laid the conceptual foundations that would guide the whole process, it was time to give the report a face, eyes and voice. That is, to create an identity from which to exploit the tangible elements to draw the experience and highlight the value of the work behind the report.
The first challenge we faced in developing the visual identity was to be able to build a scalable identity that would not only meet the needs of this first year, but that would be broad enough to allow for the growth of this universe in future editions.
To this end, a visual concept was defined that responded directly to the Insurtech sentinel: the horizon towards which the sentinel looks, where it can glimpse what's coming thanks to its knowledge capabilities.
In addition, for the first year we saw the horizon with an extra nuance: a new dawn. For this first edition with a renewed narrative and identity, it made sense that what our sentinel would express was the rising of the sun, the new beginning, the start of the light that will illuminate all the agents in the sector.
It is time to make visual decisions, always responding to the concept and in line with the tone that should reflect a company among the top 10 technology consulting firms in the world.
Thus we developed the color palette and gradients that refer to the exact moment of a new dawn and that combine with each other with a relationship as organic as it happens between the sky and the sea at that specific time in which a tone is placed above the other and, at the same time, we do not know where one begins and the next one ends.
To facilitate the reading of the report, one of the key graphical elements was to be diagrams and other elements that would allow easy reading of the data. The challenge was to develop a graphic system that was legible, rich for the different tables and types of data to be represented and attractive for its consumption, reading and re-reading. We also sought to make these elements memorable and identifiable tools that would add to the identify the report.
As reading was a fundamental part of the experience, typography played an even more important role. We needed it to be elegant, but close and legible. It should allow us to play with the highlights and headlines, but also facilitate the reading of the report in all the different and complex scenarios we had identified during the immersion phase: short time, in means of transportation, between meetings, etc. Thus, we played with two fonts, one to convey elegance in the headlines and a second more versatile and readable one for the body of the text.
So far, we have outlined the graphic elements for designing the new Insurtech Global Outlook experience, but we could not forget that a large part of it would be shaped by words. For creating the report, it was necessary the work and writing of a team with analytical and consulting specialties that we had to help to achieve a tone that was not only consistent, but also that at all times continued with the path set for this identity.
So, we previously worked on a verbal identity that would gather the guidelines to train all of them in a writing process as perfectionist and with attention to detail as the results of the report itself. Without forgetting, of course, to inspire.
Naturally, the tone had to reflect the consistency of the experience and, at the same time, be able to connect with the people who were going to read us because only then would we achieve our goal: to make the industry have the ability to see beyond.
For this, it was necessary to visualize data and the hierarchy of information. But also other elements that allowed us approachability, dynamism and to become an active and contemporary voice. We also defined how to incorporate technical concepts, as well as the support of other non-typographic elements and the use of direct and indirect calls to action.
With these guidelines, we not only facilitated the writing work of the different creators of the report, but we also did a precise job of accompanying and revising the writing to ensure that each sentence, each paragraph, each page was creating the experience we were looking for.
Only with a consistent and strategic foundation and the development of identity tools that would allow us to put this into practice we could help NTT Data's Insurtech team to improve the user experience and generate a powerful narrative that would make a difference compared to previous years.
An example? The Service Design with which, uniting all the graphic and verbal elements that shape the identity, we were able to develop the entire report and its website. Don't miss the Case Study in which we tell all about it.